Frequently Asked Questions

Life, Aging, and Age Reversal

What is aging?

With the use of something over time comes damage. Biological aging is the accumulation of damage over time that is not repaired.

What is the difference between Biological age and Chronological age?

The age on your driver’s license is your chronological age and that tells how much time there has been since your birth. Biological age tries to indicate how much time there will be to your death or the damage that has been accumulating over time so you can compare your accumulated damage to others.

Do individuals with the same chronological age have different levels of cellular damage thus biological age?

Yes, a New Zealand study that looked at individuals that were all born in the same town, in the same year,  and then were followed in their 30s and 40s showed that some humans are aging as much as 3 times faster than other humans. These faster agers are either getting damage faster or repairing damage slower.

Are there ways to measure biological age?

There are now a number of “clocks” that researchers have made to measure biological age. The one we presently use measures Inflammaging which progressively increase with age. Others include a clock made from changes in methylation on your DNA. The best of these pattern match cellular methylation to age related cellular damage indicators. There is a similar one that depends on changes in the transcription of your DNA, another one that tracks changes in your circulating proteins with age. One can also use changes in the physical structure of your brain morphology with MR imaging, this is similar to a facial imaging technology that uses pattern recognition from a facial image to estimate your age. One can measure the changes of slow wave non-REM sleep especially during the first 90 minutes of sleep, this is a special time where a lot of repair happens and repair’s ability goes down with age. If you only have a single cell to look at, you can look at the size of the nucleolus inside the nucleus of that cell. The nucleolus grows larger with the age of the cell. Presently we are doing a study to measure NAD+ in real time in the brain, this NAD+ molecule is needed to have repair active and this measurement should give an instantaneous measure of how old your brain is and also be a measure to see if a therapy is reducing your brain age.

What is life?

Life is a volume with an edge barrier that is able to protect itself from the variances of the world that derive from the second law of thermodynamics.

How can a volume of life protect itself from the second law of thermodynamics; which states that with time a closed system can only lose structure and gain randomness? A closed system can never can go in the opposite direction and increase structure.

The key to this is in the definition of a closed system. Humans and other animals are not closed systems; they eat food that has energy and structure and then excrete out the remains of that food that has less structure and energy. This allows the human to use the differential energy and structure from the food to increase their own structure and energy and still keep within the dictates of the second law of thermodynamics.

How are complex Human bodies organized?

The complexity is organized as many nested volumes, like a Russian doll, to more efficiently protect against the second law of thermodynamics.

What are the nested volumes of organization in a human?

An individual’s body has skin as its barrier. Inside are organs like the brain that has the blood brain barrier. Inside the brain are cells, including different types of neurons that have cell membranes to protect themselves and inside these cells are organelles like the nucleus that has a nuclear envelope which protects the cellular DNA.

What do the barriers to these nested organizational volumes do?

The barriers allow concentrations of molecules to be controlled over time which allows specialization of the volume. Components on the barrier allow the interior volume to know what is happening in the exterior world so something can be done about it before it effects the inside volume.

How do you repair damage that comes with use over time in your cells?

Each individual cell already has repair systems, built by evolution, that are able to repair any and all of the damage that comes with use over time.

Why does cellular damage accumulate?

Cellular repair systems are not turned on.

Why aren’t cellular repair systems always turned on?

They are turned off by evolution to conserve energy.

There are many people in the United States that are growing fat, thus have a lot of energy, why don’t they keep their cellular repair systems on.

When we were being made by evolution there was only so much food that our ancestors had to eat, so evolution had to make us to be very energy conserving and to have a pecking order on what to spend our energy on. The controls of these systems were set in that distant past and they are the reason we do not today use our excess fat to turn on cellular repair.

Energy of all forms is getting cheaper, can this be used.

Humans are the only species that can systematically harness energies outside of their bodies. On a macro scale, the rise of human civilization was based on cheap and available energy and many of the human conflicts along the way were fights over energy resources (see the 2017 book by Smil called Energy and Civilization a History). The lowering of the price and availability of dietary energy, especially in the form of sugar, most notably due to the efforts of President Nixon, has led to the obesity health crisis of western civilization. By price I really mean the internal physical and mental energy you have to put into getting external energy.

Human energy expenditure is a necessity to fight the second law of thermodynamics to stay alive. Human actions are all transformations of energy governed by the first law of thermodynamics. Civilization’s advances are fundamentally the quest for higher energy, enabled by the human brain’s directive to control energy-in / energy-out optimization which was  programmed by evolutionary design under energy limitations into humans to fight deterioration ultimately caused by the second law of thermodynamics.

Are cellular repair systems turned off in all cells?

Repair is left on in germ line cells, these are the cells that you get from mom and dad to start your life, that is why you are able to start life at 0 years of age instead of the age your mom and dad were when you are born, but repair systems are turned off at puberty, when you get your full sexuality and reproductive capacity in your somatic cells. Somatic cells are the other cells that are put in the coffin at the end of life.

Why talk about damage in cells as opposed to people?

If and when a cell divides into daughter cells, if the cell’s DNA damage has not been repaired yet, this damage can be locked into the DNA of the daughter cells, which will then be permanently damaged and cannot be repaired. This sort of damage can lead to cancer if it is in certain locations of the DNA. The only remedy then is to kill the cell. This is why women, who have all of their eggs at birth never divide these eggs. They do not want to lock in any damage so they can continue to repair and repair the egg for decades before they use the egg to make a new born (zero year old) baby.

Is there a way to turn on repair in somatic cells such that they do not age or even reverse in biological age?

The only example in nature that has been seen is with calorie restriction.

What is calorie restriction?

Calorie restriction is when you feed an animal 2/3 of the energy that it wants to eat without limiting its nutrients. Animals that have been calorie restricted have been shown to be able to live a 40 % longer life.

In nature when food is difficult to find animals do not have enough energy to make babies. The energy for making babies is turned off and this energy is then flowed to cellular repair which keeps the individuals near the same biological age until there is enough food to have babies. When the food re-appears the regulatory switch governing reproduction vs repair is thrown in the other direction and the animal can then have babies and they are still young enough to live long enough to take care of their new babies when they are born.

When was calorie restriction’s benefit first seen?

Clive McCay, a professor at Cornell University, first saw this effect in 1935.

Does calorie restriction work in all animals?

It has worked in all the animals that it has been tried in. This includes all the normal research organisms which include yeast, the worm, the fruit fly, the mouse and the monkey.

Does calorie restriction work in humans?

There has been one study, published in 2018, that looked at a small number of humans that restricted their calorie intake by 15%, which is lower than the 30 % used in the other animals and they did this for only 2 years which is a shorter time period of total life span than in other animals that were researched. The results indicated that the calorie restriction was working to bring benefit to the participants, but this was a preliminary study where the calorie reduction was quite low, the time length of the study quite short and the number of participants quite small.

Are there negative effects from calorie restriction?

Yes, Sexuality is turns off: so men lose their desire for sex and women’s menstrual cycles are turned off, so energy normally spent on sexuality is then able to be used for cellular repair. Individuals initially are under constant hunger and observed to be bit angry although this appears to go away with time on the diet. The real question is whether there is decreased ability in the immune system to fight off possible attacks by viruses and bacteria. In the animal studies the researched animals were in germ free environments, so that information is not known.

Are there ways to use this calorie restriction research knowledge to get the benefits without the negatives?

Yes, in 2000 the enzyme system that underlies this calorie restriction effect was discovered at MIT. They showed that Sirtuin enzymes (of which there are 7 in humans) are the key components to the repair system. They also showed that NAD+, a molecule that indicates to the cell the level of energy available, is also needed; and this molecule is consumed by the reaction. Later it was shown that the concentration of this NAD+ molecule is only half the concentration in older adults than it is in younger adults. In December of 2013 researchers at Harvard Medical School published a study showing that if one increased the NAD+ content, repair happened and the age of a mouse could be reversed.

Is it possible to get the benefits of calorie restriction in humans without the negative effects?

Yes, we have tried this approach in a preliminary study with humans and have gotten very positive results without any negative results reported, although the process automatically turns off due to feedback loops that evolution has installed in the process to conserve energy, so we did need to add two other small molecules to control two additional pathways. These two other small molecules are already present in humans like the NAD+ precursor NMN that turns on Sirtuin repair enzymes. The two molecules turn off the feedback loops, to enable the repair process to stay on by making the feedback loops stay off.

Are there other calorie restriction methodologies?

Yes, there are two others methodologies being looked at. One is to restrict the hours of the day you eat and the other is to eat for 5 days and then not to eat for two days. In mice it was shown that if the same amount and type of food could be eaten for only 12 hours instead of being spread out for the whole 24 hours the mice where more healthy. This has been extrapolated to possibly being even better if one ate only 8 hours and possibly to even only eating for 4 hours. A small study in humans has confirmed this. The peak time to focus eating on is the 12 to 2pm lunch time period. Valter Longo, a professor at USC is promoting the “eat for 5 days fast for 2 day” concept and he has built a company around it. These two methods are based on resetting the metabolic system to turn off catabolism (the breaking down of things for energy and spare parts and turning on anabolism (the making of things like cellular components). It appears that the cell, to be more energy efficient, does not do these things at the same time, so if you are always eating you are not turning on the repair system, thus aging faster.

How humans got an understanding of the aging process

How did science get to the understanding that aging is the accumulation of damage over time that is not repaired?

There have been at least 20 to 30 helpful theories on aging over the last 120 years when scientists first started looking at aging. These researchers looked at the problem of aging from different angles. In summing all the theories, there have been those that asked why and from where the damage of aging was coming from, and those, especially of late, that have asked how the damage could be repaired. I’ll focus on 10 main Theories of Aging and then show how all the theories can all be fitted together into one theory.

When did humans started thinking about, and wanting a solution for aging?

Aging was first brought up in the human written record by the Greek historian Herodotus in about 450 BC and his story is still told to this day, it’s the story of the “fountain of youth”. Herodotus spoke of the longevity, physical prowess, beauty, and general youthfulness of a group he called the Macrobians and he thought this was likely due to some unique nutrition from their waters. The Macrobians lived in the Rift Valley of what was then the outermost reaches of the known world and what is now Ethiopia, a place where some researchers say the modern lineage of humans started. Looking back at that time and place, with today’s knowledge, this group theoretically could have been healthier than others due to the attributes of their life.

What were the longevity attributes of the Macrobians?

a) They lived in a small group and humans in smaller groups have less viral diseases which may cause permanent damage and shorten life at every stage,

b) They may have lived in a biologically unproductive area which could lead to a calorie restricted diet which can lead to longer life,

c) They had lower O2 levels from living at this higher elevation which can lead to a longer life,

d) They lived in an area that had rivers and pools with local volcanic activity. These pools can be quite hot and have Hydrogen sulfide in the water from the volcanic activity. Hydrogen sulfide and heat shock from short baths in these rivers and pools (like modern day natural spas) can turn on repair systems that result in a longer and healthier life.

When did Scientists start looking for an explanation of aging?

The first substantial theory of aging came from Elie Metchnikoff, a Russian, who did his studies in Germany. He was a Zoologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1908 for discovering the macrophage. A macrophage is an immune cell that attacks invading microbes. He formulated a “Hypothesis of Aging” in 1901 that was extremely insightful on many levels.

What is the “Hypothesis of Aging”?

Metchnikoff thought aging was caused by toxic bacteria in the gut. The gut is a key barrier between the outside world and the inside of an individual. Although you might think life ends when your heart stops beating or your brain cells stop signaling, modern biologists think a better definition of death in primitive to complex animal species is when the gut lining gives up the fight of keeping the outside world out. These gut cells usually die in unison, as can be visually seen in a flat worm’s death.

Why was this “Hypothesis of Aging” insightful?

Metchnikoff saw cell-mediated immunity in action and was able to realize that this was the battle of life and it led to death. In evolution there is a battle between animals and the microbes that kill them. Metchnikoff saw that microbes not only killed animals by obvious attacks which happen often in youth but also in non-obvious attacks that lead to aging and earlier death. This idea of non-obvious attacks by pathogens has come back into focus in science more recently.

Is the gut important to longevity?

For an immunologist this gut location is important as well since biologists now think that the reason vertebrates which are warm blooded animals have a newer additional immune system, called the adaptive immune system, when invertebrates which are cold blooded animals do just fine with only the old, innate, immune system is so vertebrates would not attack these beneficial microbes in their gut microbiome; so these microbes could help the vertebrates get energy from the environment.

Why is getting energy so important to the discussion of life and aging?

Energy, if you get it and how you use it, is central to evolutionary selection and survival. Evolution designed us to be energy efficient and we have a pecking order on how to use energy. We got this design because when we were being made in evolution there was only so much energy available through the limited supply of food. Getting energy to build structure to fight the variations of nature caused by the second law of thermodynamics is the defining necessity of life, and this is the reason for speciation in Nature.

Vertebrates use 10 times the amount of energy to live with their warm body than invertebrates do, so Vertebrates needed the extra help of the gut microbiome in getting this extra energy. The gut microbiome helps the vertebrate get more energy from the same volume of food. That’s the key reason humans were able to get energy for a larger brain, along with help from fire’s energy which helps in the breakdown of food for more energy as well as the lowering of the amount of body energy needed to keep warm and lowering the mental and physical energy needed to keep predatory animals away during the night.

How much energy does the human brain use?

A larger brain uses, at rest, ¼ of our energy and a lot more when it is performing difficult tasks. The brain helps us with our energy input / output planning needed in our complex world. If you run out of energy you are dead. Many microbes including those that help us get energy by living in our gut lining have learned, via evolution, how to send direct messages to our brains via the nerves next to our gut, to get what they want, although what they want may not be exactly what is best for us.

In addition humans had to also give up other uses of energy so that energy could be rerouted to our brain.  Humans gave up muscle strength, which is 2/3 s of our nearest relatives the Chimpanzees and Bonobos, to get our larger brain, which is 3 times the size of Chimpanzees and Bonobos. Humans also appeared to have given up short term memory capacity, compared to these relatives, when we got our ability to use language to speak.

So life is about energy, and if we had enough easy to get energy, when evolution made us, we could have pristine repair in all of our cells and not age. Humans gave up precious capabilities to get the abilities we do have including our higher performing brain.

Are there behavioral attributes of humans that are due to the limitation of energy during evolutionary design?

The limitation in evolution of energy, besides being the reason that we age, is probably the reason that humans have a predisposition to be self-serving, lazy, stupid, and corrupt. These are all energy conserving methodologies.

Do humans have to be self-serving, lazy, stupid, and corrupt?

No, the brain does a calculation as to whether or not being those things will be energy advantageous. If the brain calculates that countering these tendencies will be energy advantageous, the brain will direct the body to take the more energy advantageous path. So the right training of youth to take the socially beneficial path is probably advantageous for society.

All the research showing that being happy (or having positive emotions) elongates life and being unhappy (or having negative emotions) shortens life mechanistically is probably just that happy people invest in life, including cellular repair, unhappy people do not. Emotions are what evolution gives you so you do what evolution wants you to do. But remember evolution’s solutions are retrospective and may not work so well today.

What are the two immune systems, what do they do and why are there two?

We have two immune systems that now work together to combat invading pathogens that may harm us. The innate immune system is the original immune system. It needs to determine what is you and what is not you. We also have an adaptive immune system that was incorporated later in time so we would not attack and kill microbes in our gut that we were beginning to use to get additional energy from our food with. These bacteria can digest fibers and other substances that we cannot digest. This incorporation of our gut microbiome changed who we are. Now only 43% of our cells are our human cells and only 1% of our DNA genes are our human DNA genes. But we are now able to do get a lot more energy from our food. The addition of our adaptive immune system allowed this to happen.

How does the adaptive immune system work?

The adaptive immune system is able to try out a range of attack molecules on a new invader it has not seen before and if any of these molecules work it can then manufacture this new specific molecular solution that worked to a large concentration but not the molecules that did not work thus saving energy and then use only the useful molecules to defend the body. This selection and amplification process does take a few days, so your original innate immune system needs try to hold off the invaders until then.

Is sexuality connected to one’s immunity?

Sexuality is fundamentally linked to immunity and aging. Asexual animals like sea anemones and the germ line cells that sexual animals use to start their babies do not age. Sexuality itself is probably just a method to help the immune system battle microbes that could potentially attack the large organism. Since larger animals take longer to develop than smaller animals like microbes, this gives microbes more evolutionary cycles to adapt to their prey and win in the battle against their prey. With sexuality a new mix occurs in the baby that the microbes have not optimized for, giving the larger animal a fighting chance in evolution. When we pick a mate with “chemistry” we evolutionarily make this choice to get babies that have better immune systems that are then able to survive and not die in childhood which is often caused by dangerous microbes.

Is being male or female connected to one’s immunity?

Mother’s cannot have their immune system fighting their children, who are non-self to the mother’s immune system, while they are in her womb, so women have a slightly different immune system than men. One fallout of this is that they get more auto-immune diseases.

Is immunity the reason women live longer on average?

In all of the countries that keep reliable data, human females on average out live men, although their health during their life has not been shown to be superior to men’s. This life expectancy starts soon before birth and continues into every age category. Women are 90% of the oldest of old. In well studied Iceland during the bad years of history, when the average life span was 21 years, to the good times, when the life span was 69 years, regardless of pestilence or food availability, women on average, age slower and lived longer than men. The flip side of this is that in recent well controlled studies on compounds that elongated life span in mice, done by the National Institutes on Aging, 5 out of the 6 compounds that were found to elongate life were more effective in men than in women the other, rapamycin, elongated life in women better than men. Recent research shows this slower aging and longer life in women is either because they have 2 X chromosomes or that they do not have the Y chromosome that men have.

Are there other genetic connections to immunity?

Recently in evolution humans lost the ability to make Sialic acid, a sugar that still is made and resides on the surface of other animal’s cells. The human immune system now sees cells and other molecules with the Sialic acid sugar on them as foreign. This sugar cellular surface change, from that of other animals, means that the microbes that attack other animals and enter their cells via recognition of this sugar now cannot enter and attack human cells. This protects humans from many viruses and other pathogens that successfully attack other animals. There is an interesting question of whether this does cause an immune reaction when humans eat the meat of other animals that have this sialic acid sugar leading to negative health effects of eating meat?

After Metchnikoff have others further developed the theory of the immune system and the diseases it battles as being causative to aging?

In 2007 Franceschi proposed the Inflammaging Theory of Aging; this was a modernization of the Metchnikoff’s 1901 theory. This Theory noted that basal levels of inflammation increase with biological age. The basal levels of inflammation markers like IL-6 and TNF-α, when they are not reacting to a short term actual need to be activated, appear from human studies to be the best blood predictors of future death that medical diagnostics presently has. Separate studies have shown the correlation and predictive value of these inflammation markers to the individual disease of aging as well. These are the main variable we now use in our research to measure biological age.

What is the Retrotransposon Theory?

In 2010, Laurent proposed the Retrotransposon Theory of aging. Our ancestors were subject to approximately 50 retro virus invasions. Retroviruses are HIV like viruses. They have integrated into us and are about 45% of our total DNA and 8% of our total DNA still looks like intact retroviruses. Evolution used many techniques to keep these viruses under control. We have even used some of these retrovirus elements for our own benefit.  The battle to control these approximately 150 active retroviral elements that include “jumping genes” continues to this day. One way we keep them under control is to methylate the incorporated viral DNA, so it is not expressed to make RNA and proteins. Methylation of genes decrease with age and some of these incorporated viruses then start getting expressed which then makes them a problem. Other endogenous viruses like those in the herpes family, should also be included here. One example is the Cytomegalovirus.  It takes a lot of the immune system’s abilities to fight the Cytomegalovirus in old age if you have been exposed to it. Research on Alzheimer’s disease, which is one of the diseases of aging, shows the activation and amplification of these endogenous viral genetic elements in the diseased brain tissue cells affiliated with Alzheimer’s disease. A wide range of cancers very recently have been correlated to this increase of retroviral jumping genes expressed after they have been de-methylated by the oxidation that increases with age.

Does an animal’s size effect aging?

In 1908 Max Rubner proposed the Rate of Living Theory of Aging. He saw that smaller animals normally lived a shorter life than larger animals. In 1928 Raymond Pearl improved on this idea by showing slowing metabolism elongated life in an animal. There is a mathematical ratio between 1/5th  and 1/3rd connecting lifespan and metabolic rate. Smaller animals usually have faster metabolisms. They are actually living more per unit of time. They are then using more oxygen per unit of time so their mitochondria are producing more energy as well as more oxidation damage. So the concept is that all the animals get to breathe the same amount of oxygen in their cells in their life and then die of the toxicity of oxygen. There are exceptions to this rule though like bats vs. rats. So Evolutionary reasons have to be added to this concept like the easier a species life is, the less energy they are forced to use so the later they will have babies and the longer they will live.

Why does it seem like time and life speeds as you get older and age?

Our mitochondria work less efficiently as we age so they produce less energy and thus your cells do less stuff per unit of time. An example of this on a larger scale is that your brain takes in about 4 frames of information a second as measured by EEG or MEG. With the slowing down of your mitochondria in your nerve cells of your brain with age, the actions of your nerve cells slow down making your perception that the speed of time increases. We are hoping to look into this with our brain research.

What is the Free Radical Theory of Aging?

In 1956 Denham Harman proposed this idea in what was known at the time as the atomic age. The atomic bomb was in everyone’s mind and the energy from the bomb had created damage. A free-radical is any atom that has a single unpaired electron in its outer shell of electrons. Free radical damage is associated with damage to biological molecules involving this atom in cells. Basically the electron from one molecule, which is energy, is poorly controlled by that molecule, so the electron can wonder away from that molecule to another. These electron changes, if they cannot be handled well, destroy some molecules, which then need to be repaired or taken away, destroyed, and then replaced by the cell.

Where do most oxidants come from?

Harman realized most oxidants were coming from the mitochondria and proposed the mitochondria are central to aging. Energy in mitochondria is made by creating an electron gradient between two sides of a membrane. This differential of electrons is like a battery. As one ages, mitochondria damage increases and the oxidants it produces increase and energy it produces decreases.

Are oxidants coming from the immune system?

Cells of the Immune system throw oxidants at invading pathogens to kill them. If they miss this creates background damage that your body then has to repair, if they hit the invader you still have to clean up the dead invader. Being sick uses a lot of your energy and ages you faster.

Are sun rays oxidizing your skin?

A source of oxidative damage is the sun. Just compare the skin on your neck to the skin that your bathing suit hides to see the accumulated damage from the sun.

Has the Free Radical Theory been updated?

In 2012, Sohol proposed the Redox Stress Hypothesis of Aging. With this update Sohol recognized some oxidation is good since oxidation is necessary to turn on antioxidant enzymes and anti-oxidant enzymes are much better than small molecules anti-oxidants at getting rid of oxidation and its damage because enzymes do not need to be re-reduced meaning recycled like small molecule anti-oxidants do. This is why small molecule anti-oxidants did not work when they were tried in large scale trials for treatment of diseases of aging like heart disease.

Are there Theories of Aging focused on deterioration with aging?

In 1959 Leo Szilard wrote The Somatic Mutation Theory of Aging. Leo was a nuclear chemist involved with the nuclear ideas of his time. Szilard is most famous for writing the letter that Albert Einstein signed and sent to President Roosevelt warning that the Germans might be making a nuclear bomb, this letter led to the starting of the Manhattan Project to make a nuclear bomb in the United States.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics was seen as a central concept where order goes in a one way trip to disorder. So this electron, from the Free Radical theory, losing “order” leads to greater disorder and life could only take so much disorder. Leo saw that when things get damaged and they are not repair then problems arise, and that this was aging.

Are there Theories of Aging with an Evolutionary basis?

In 1991 Tom Kirkwood and Michael Rose wrote the Disposable Soma Theory of Aging. In this theory they reasoned that somatic cells were not passed on to progeny in evolution and thus did not need to be maintained in as pristine a condition as germ line cells. So an organism could save energy by not spending as much energy defending and repairing somatic cells, thus use it, if they had it, for other purposes, like getting a mate or growing up children so they in turn can have children. The theory incorporated that Evolution was trading off energy use to optimize an individual’s chances to survive and have viable offspring that in turn could have offspring of their own. Importantly this also implied that energy was a key limiting factor in evolution.

What is the Methylation Theory of Aging?

In 1967, Boris Vanyushin, a Professor at Moscow State University, showed that DNA loses methylation with age. He also showed DNA methylation was tissue and species specific, that this methylation was correlated to the oxidation damage in the cell, and that an antioxidant induced DNA methylating enzymes, stimulated transcription of p53, and modulated DNA methylation.

Normally as one ages oxidation inside of a cell increases and the methylation of genes on one’s DNA decreases. DNA was already known to carry the knowledge of life. These understandings of methylation turned into the field of epigenetics which studies this added level of control over one’s DNA expression for the time period in between a generation. A generation is the time period in which DNA itself changes and thus DNA’s control. So I think epigenetics will be shown to be more important to your health than your genetics since this is the level of control in biology during your lifespan.

What is the molecular mechanism of the Methylation Theory of Aging?

The methylation enzyme of humans is S-5-adenosyl-L methionine, which is referred to as SAM. SAM is only made when the cell is under reduction, when the cell is under oxidation the reactants that make SAM are diverted to make glutathione, which is a key ingredient of the anti-oxidant defense system. So this makes methylation under the control of oxidation and the cell’s ability to control oxidation. Methylation of DNA decreases with the age in the cell as the cell loses its ability to control oxidation. The main time DNA is methylated is when DNA is divided which only happens when new cells are made. Cell division is arrested when the cell has decided to repair. This is why mothers do not divide their eggs, they want to keep repairing their eggs before they use them. In the future we may be able to be manipulated methylation of DNA by a CRISPER type mechanism that adds methylation at a specific site. Changing the methylation that has been lost or changed on an aging cell’s DNA is needed for a permanent fix of aging.

How has recent scientific knowledge added to the Methylation Theory of Aging?

In 2009 Brock Christensen showed DNA methylation was decreased outside CpG islands and DNA methylation increased inside CpG islands with age in humans, this put more precision into the Methylation Theory of Aging. This knowledge was made into a “Phenotype Clock” by Levine and Horvath at UCLA, and this clock is able to measure your biological age which predicts your death.

A somatic cell is differentiated due to its methylation and this methylation needs to be de-methylated to be able to be cloned into a sheep like Dolly or the polo ponies like those used by the world’s highest rated polo-player in Argentina.

How does cloning happen?

There are 4 transcription factors that can dedifferentiate a cell by changing a differentiated cell’s methylation back to that of a less developed (less differentiated) cell. A completely dedifferentiated cell can start a whole new organism. That organism would then be called a clone.

Two of the four transcription factors cannot be replaced and the other two can be replaced by substitutes. One of the latter is called c-Myc (or F4). c-Myc does not really do the dedifferentiation of the cell but opens up the DNA of the cell so the other three transcription factors can physically do their work. C-Myc is thought to be able to re-methylate the cell to its youthful version without changing its cell type (differentiation status). Thus c-Myc may be a singular cellular molecule that can orchestrate the reversal of the cell’s methylation age, which then could correct all the cell’s age defects via repair.

What is the Calorie Restriction Theory of Aging?

In 1935 Clive McCay, a Professor at Cornell University, first observed that calorie restriction elongating life. He showed that if you lowered calorie intake, which changes metabolic rate which was addressed in a previous Theory of Aging, you elongated life in multiple species.  This still is the only basic underlying concept that has led to age reversal in every species it has been tried in. In 1986 Richard Weindruch confirmed aging could be slowed by using calorie restriction in the first mammal, mice. Eating 2/3 the calories of a normal diet allowed the mice to live 40% longer. Later he showed this in monkeys.

What is the molecular mechanism of Calorie Restriction theory of Aging?

In 2000 Leonard Guarente realized Sirtuins were nutrient sensors and they mediated the effects of calorie restriction. This made the Calorie Restriction Theory of Aging into a molecular biological concept, since the key enzymes of the system were now known. Lenny’s student Shin-Ichiro Imai showed Sirtuins were NAD-dependent deacetylases and that Sirtuins needed NAD+ to work. Later NAD+ was shown to decrease with age. Previously NAD was known to carry electrons from one reaction to another. NAD+ , the oxidized form, accepts electrons from molecules and NADH, the reduced form, donates electrons to molecules. The transfer of electron is in essence the transfer of energy.  This new understanding of NAD+ used by cellular repair enzyme Sirtuins showed NAD’s role in cellular signaling. The message that the NAD+ signal sends is how much energy the cells has. This is the most important information of life, which is why NAD+ is the start of the cellular decision pathway of the use of the body’s energy.

How can you unify all of the Theories of Aging?

It is easiest to unify all the Theories of Aging by starting with the Calorie Restriction Theory of Aging, since it is the only theory that has been shown to be able to reverse age in every species that it has been tried in, and then add the other Theories of Aging into the discussion to build out a unified Theory of Aging. Sirtuin enzymes are necessary for calorie restriction to reduce biological age.  And NAD+ is necessary for the Sirtuin enzymes to turn on, and NAD+ goes down with age. Precursors of NAD like NMN are usually used to increase NAD+ levels, since NAD+ does not get past the gut lining and NMN does and it turns quickly into NAD+.

How does a Unified Theory of Aging incorporate the Rate of Living Theory of Aging?

The Rate of Living Theory of aging and its update state that with smaller animal size comes a faster metabolism and a faster metabolism causes faster aging and calorie restriction slows metabolism thus slows aging.

How does a Unified Theory of Aging incorporate the Methylation Theory of Aging?

The Sirtuin enzymes have a feedback regulatory loop that turns them off. The Sirtuin enzyme breaks down a NAD+ molecule in every reaction. That NAD+ break down product is a nicotinamide molecule. This nicotinamide molecule has its own binding site on the Sirtuin enzyme. When the nicotinamide molecule binds to this site it turns off the Sirtuin enzyme so the Sirtuin enzyme does not work anymore. Nature has a way of stopping this feedback loop from stopping the Sirtuin enzyme though. If the nicotinamide is methylated, then it is too large to fit into its binding site on the Sirtuin enzyme and so when the nicotinamide is methylated the Sirtuin enzyme, thus the age reversal of calorie restriction is not stopped. It was in 2013 that two of Shin Imai’s students showed Sirtuin lifespan extension depends on methylation of nicotinamide. Methylation of DNA is also extremely important, because this is the regulation of what DNA is transcribed and methylation changes with age. This is where epigenetics has its effect.

How does a Unified Theory of Aging incorporate the Retrotransposon Theory of Aging?

With lower methylation of DNA with age, transposable elements like endogenous retroviruses and incorporated herpes viruses can be expressed and therefor cause damage and thus the need for repair increases and the rate of aging also increases.

Regulatory RNA, changes due to DNA methylation changes, this is involved in protein translation control. With decreasing methylation aging happens faster. If you can get the methylation system correctly working, repair and age reversal can happen more permanently.

How does the Unified Theory of Aging incorporate the Free Radical Theory of Aging?

The Free Radical Theory of Aging morphed into the Redox Stress Theory of Aging. Methylation was seen to go down when oxidation went up with the age of the cell, this is because SAM is not made when a cell is under oxidization, Glutathione an antioxidant is made instead to combat the oxidation. It was in 2012 that Chouliaras showed calorie restriction prevents the age-related changes of methylation of DNA in mice and Massudi found a link between oxidative stress, aging, and a decline in NAD+ levels in human tissue, and that Nicotinamide decreases life span at high dosage. In addition; when a thiol molecule, which is basically a Sulphur atom, in the reactive site of the Sirtuin enzyme becomes oxidized it changes the physical structure of the Sirtuin enzyme and thus turns the enzyme off. So the Sirtuin enzymes do not work when they are oxidized. In 2016 it was shown that CD-38 activity goes up with age and this causes the decline of NAD+ with age. This enzyme has been shown to only work under oxidizing conditions and not work under reducing conditions. By stopping oxidation one can stop the effect of this enzyme lowering NAD and thus the turning off of Sirtuin enzymes, thus the turning off repair and age reversal. Adding these facts up you see that aging happens under oxidation, which is the Free Radical Theory of Aging. Happily with reduction from anti-oxidant enzymes, repair and age reversal can happen.

How does the Unified Theory of Aging incorporate the Inflammation Theory of Aging?

In the initial Egaceutical experiments in humans with EGA®, a triple small human molecule therapy, turned on and kept on Sirtuin enzymes by controlling three pathways underlying the three main theories of Aging. The three pathways include 1) from the Calorie Restriction Theory, the adding back of NMN to increase NAD+ to turn on Sirtuins since NAD+ cannot get past the gut barrier and 2) from the Methylation Theory of Aging, the adding back a precursor for SAM so the feedback loops will not stop the Sirtuin enzyme since SAM cannot get past the gut barrier and 3) from the Free Radical Theory of Aging now called the RedOx Stress Theory of Aging the adding of a compound to turn on Nrf2 which then allows the turning on of the anti-oxidant enzyme defense system which then lowers oxidation and increase reduction in the cell.

The result of adding these three EGA compounds are that NAD+ can stay in high concentrations and Sirtuins can stay on. This triple therapy was then shown to decrease the basal levels of immune markers like IL-6 and TNF-alpha that predict death in large human trials. So with these results: cellular energy level, methylation, and oxidation have been connected to inflammation, aging, and the diseases of aging. This brings the addition of the Inflammaging Theory of Aging.

How does a Unified Theory of Aging incorporate the Hypothesis on Aging by Metchnikoff?

The Hypothesis on Aging by Metchnikoff saw toxic bacteria in the gut as the problem that caused aging. Work from Dawn Bowdish’s lab at McMaster University in 2016 showed that lowering IL-6 and TNF-alpha, thus lowering Inflammaging, allowed an increased ability to fight Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is a disease that kills many older people.

What are the key events over 100 years that led humans to understand aging?

The chain of ideas through time took the focus from lowering metabolism in 1908, to lowering calories in 1935, to increasing Sirtuin enzyme activity in 2000, to increasing NAD+ in 2000, to increasing the NAD+ precursor NMN in 2008, to stopping Sirtuin feedback loops that come with increased NAD+ by activation of methylation and reduction in 2015, to finally get human age reversal in 2016; from a century of optimizing a single concept.

In conclusion not only was the triple small human molecule therapy of EGA® the first and still the only therapy to be demonstrated to reverse human aging in preliminary small trials but the immune measurements used to show the biological age reversal results can be used to unite the 10 most prevalent theories on aging into a unified theory of aging. Egaceutical’s patent on EGA® published this “Unified Theory of Aging” which conceptually unified these 10 previous described Theories of Aging.

How can aging be reversed?

How can you measure the success and failure of possible age reversal therapies.

We are looking for both healthier lives which is referred to as health span and longer lives which is referred to as life span. These two really go together and it is thought that you cannot separate them, although many scientific researchers think it is politically beneficial to promote health span and not to mention lifespan as the benefit of these therapies. Researchers, needing to seek more money for their research, see a benefit in mentioning that aging research probably has a better cost / benefit ratio since it addresses multiple diseases with one therapy and gets to the basic fundamentals of disease progression.

What is the alternative to waiting for the end of one’s life to evaluate a therapy on biological age reversal? Since that doesn’t seem a diagnostic most would want.

Yes, a surrogate marker for biological age is needed that tells you if there is a change, the direction of change, and the rate of change of biological age. Thankfully there are probably at least 10 surrogate markers that are good although none are perfect.

What are the surrogate markers for biological clocks?

The 10 most promising biological clocks to date are:

1) The Inflammaging clock by Arai

Included are 4 tests, IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, and IgG for CMV

2) The Methylation clock by Lavine and Horvath

called the PhenoAge clock

3) The Transcription clock by Peters or the one by Fleischer

4) The Proteome clock by Enroth

5) The Microbiome clock by Galkin

6) The Structural Brain clock measured with MR by Cole

7) The Slow Wave Non-REM sleep clock by Mander

8) Telomere length by Blackburn

9) Nucleolar size by Tiku

10) NAD+ quantity in brain measured with P31 MR by Zhu

Are there any easy tests for determining biological age that you can do at home?

Yes, there are, they include:

1) The getting off the floor test

The lower the number of touches you use to get up, the younger you are

2) The static balance test

Older individuals have less balance

3) The skin elasticity test

If you pull your skin, younger skin regains it shape faster

4) The catching the ruler test

If someone else drops a ruler in your semi closed hand, you see the measurement on the ruler of where your hand catches it, this measures how fast your reaction time is.

5) The Lung function test

You see how faraway you can blow out a match or candle

And I think the “deep learning” analysis of a photo of one’s face for biological age will be on the internet soon. Reports seem to say it is quite good. The areas around the eyes are most telling.

What is the best surrogate markers for biological age?

The best presently, I believe is the grouping of inflammation markers because these have been shown to be predictive of how long one will live by six human long term studies, they have also been shown to be predictive of if one will individually get one of the major disease of aging. One has to remember to only take these inflammation tests when your immune system is not activated, since one wants to get a measure of your immune system baseline. The baseline is your immune system’s level when it is not active and this baseline level creeps up with biological age.

What are the types of age reversal therapies that have been proposed?

These include:

1) Drugs that are already approved by the FDA and that are on the market for other medical reasons

2) Drugs that are non-natural and presently being developed by pharmaceutical companies

3) Drugs that need FDA clearance but are compounds or grouping of compounds that are already in humans

4) Drugs classified as Food by the FDA but are also made in humans

5) Drugs classified as Food by the FDA that are made in plants but not in humans

6) Lifestyle therapy approaches to human age reversal

Is aging something that is likely to be solved by a single molecule therapy?

The dream for a solution that is only a single molecule comes from several directions:

1) The first, of course, is that the biology of humans, really all animals, is fundamentally based on the conservation of one’s energy unless there is high probability of excess energy returned from any energy expended. So taking a single pill that takes no energy to take is an easy sell to the masses that seek to expend as little time and energy as possible on any therapy.

2) Secondly the selling company wants a compound that can make as much money for as little effort as possible and a patented compound can make this happen. This is the only way to get more than, what is called in finance, a market rate of financial return. One can only get a patent on a single therapeutic molecule if it is non-natural so pharmaceuticals are in the business of making and selling non-natural compounds even though the probability of good effects from these drugs are extremely low and the probability of negative effects from these is very high compared to a molecule the human body already has experience with in evolution and has evolved to use effectively. Pharmaceutical companies often try to find these natural “in body molecules” and then change them to a non-natural compound to be able to get a patent on them, but changing these natural compounds usually always brings with it negative effects, and the positive effects are quite often lost or diminished. This is the process that is happening in the age reversal field presently.

3) Thirdly a single molecule, as opposed to a grouping of molecules is exponentially easier, quicker and cheaper to get past the regulatory laws of the world so almost every pharmaceutical therapy is a single molecule, even though human biology has very complex regulatory mechanisms such that a single molecule regulation of anything in the body is probably non-existent.

4) Lastly, any life style changes that are recommended by an expert are usually very energy consuming to carry out for an individual so are not embraced by customers and for the person selling the idea, very hard to get paid for and so are not energy efficient for any individuals to develop, market, or sell.

So diet, exercise, and other life style changes usually lose out to energy saving life styles like sitting on the couch which does not exercise you physically, and watching TV which does not exercise you mentally, while eating high calorie foods which is the opposite of a beneficial calorie restriction therapy. These human tendencies are all in direct opposition to what is needed for health and longevity of humans.

Does the time of day a therapy is taken affect the benefit of the therapy?

Two important considerations for a therapy for age reversal are:

1) The timing of everything in the therapy needs to be correlated with everything else in the therapy and to one’s biological clock which is also called circadian rhythm.

2) The quantity of everything in the therapy needs to be at the right quantity and correlated with the quantity of everything else in the therapy.  These two considerations are often overlooked.

Is NAD taken as an IV an age reversal therapy?

NAD+ is a molecule that is already found in the body but declines by half in older age. It is given in an IV, since it does not get in through the gut. An exception to this lack of gut absorption may be in babies since NAD+ and its precursors NMN and NR are all found in human mother’s milk. Mother’s appear to be able to change the concentration of these ingredients, apparently hourly, according to the baby’s needs, or maybe it is the mother’s need too sync the baby’s clock to hers. With IV NAD+, one has to sit for 8 hours a day for 8 to 12 days. This has been used in about 1000 patients for drug and alcohol addiction, although no scientific trials have been reported on this use. One can only give NAD+ as a very slow IV drip since quicker IV rates lead to a significant side effect but that side effect is quickly reversed when one slows the rate down. Patients for this NAD+ use that I have spoken to, seem to give this NAD+ IV therapy positive approval, although very little science has been done on NAD+ IV therapy in humans.

What is the pharmaceutical drug Rapamycin and can it be used as an age reversal therapy?

Rapamycin was found in a bacterium on Easter Island which is called Rapa Nui by its natives. The island is known for its Noai statues. Rapamycin is a transplant rejection drug that suppresses the immune system. This is the one in six successful age reversal drugs shown in mice that work better in females. Presently there is a trial using dogs at the University of Washington with rapamycin. Rapamycin’s side effects are thought to be far too great for use in humans so variants without the side effects of this drug are being made for humans.

What is the pharmaceutical drug Dasatinib and how is it being used for age reversal?

Dasatinib is a drug used in chemotherapy for leukemia. It was first used as an age reversal drug by Mayo Clinic researchers in mice. This “senolytic” drug along with Quercetin a polyphenol, which is a food based compound, gave beneficial results in mice. A 14 patient human pilot study using these two compounds for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which is a fatal disease with no known cure, seemed to have promise. A larger study was deemed warrented.

How is the pharmaceutical drug Metformin being used for age reversal?

Metformin is an off patent diabetes drug that has been used by a lot of people for a long time. In analyzing the results from these diabetes patients it was observed that many of the diabetes patients with metformin had better health results than not only the diabetic patients that had not taken this drug but also better than non-diabetics.  So a clinic trial for humans has been designed at a cost of $69 million and presented to the FDA to use Metformin as an age reversal drug. The money to do this trial has not been raised yet though.  Since metformin is an off patent drug and no one can make a large profit from its sale, the studies main proponents are really looking for a path through FDA for their own companies’ age reversal drugs which they can make a large profit from. Metformin’s probable biological mechanism of action was shown in fruit fly studies to be dependent on an increase in gut hydrogen peroxide. This hydrogen peroxide increases Nrf2 which then increase the anti-oxidant defense system enzymes.

What non-natural drugs are being developed presently by small pharmaceutical companies?

Many of these drugs are improvements of known drugs, either as better drugs or as financial return improvements due to being patentable.

In an offshoot of NAD+ therapy, Calico, an Alphabet company (better known to the public as a Google company) was started with $1.5 billion in 2013 with an activator of an enzyme called NAMPT that makes NMN which is a precursor of NAD+. They also refer to this therapy as a Sirtuin activator, since NAD+ activates Sirtuins which start cellular repair. They purchased this therapy from the University of Texas. This drug will still need the two other types of compounds and need use of the Egaceutical Corporation’s EGA® patent.

In this category, as well, are inhibitor drugs to an enzyme called CD-38 that breaks down NAD+ and NMN. CD-38 increases in older people and is now thought to be the reason NAD+ decreases as one ages. Initially nutraceuticals were found in this category. Now these are being altered so patents can be gained to make profitable pharmaceuticals. CD-38 is turned off with cellular reduction which is gained from the turning on of Nrf2 which turns on the cell’s anti-oxidant enzymes. EGA® controls CD-38 by turning on cellular reduction by turning on Nrf2.

What are the new forms of Rapamycin being developed?

With a manipulation of rapamycin, drugs are being made that inhibit mTORC1 but do not inhibit mTORC2. Non-specific rapamycin inhibits both.  It is thought that this mTORC2 inhibition is what causes rapamycin’s bad side effects.

What are Senolytic drugs?

Senolytic drugs preferentially kill senescent cells, which are damaged older cells that have stopped dividing and that spew out toxic compounds like immune modulators that hurt neighboring cells. Egaceutical’s EGA® lowers these immune compounds. These senescent cells are made in research settings by irradiating cells. Radiation is a form of oxidation. Then these oxidized cells are given senolytic therapies which are often polyphenol compounds that turn on Nrf2 that then turns on anti-oxidant defense systems. So in essence adding antioxidant enzymes to oxidized cells solves the “Senescent cell” problem. Leading some to ask “Is senolytics just a rebranding of the older RedOx theories of aging?”

Why did the medical field reject antioxidant therapies?

Anti-oxidants use was discontinued in the medical field when small molecule anti-oxidants where shown to be ineffective in large heart disease human trials. The reason for this was that small molecule anti-oxidants once they are oxidized by oxidants cannot be effectively re-reduced, in other words recycled, and then they are effectively oxidants with a negative cellular effect. With polyphenols that turn on Nrf2 and thus antioxidant enzymes, there is no need to rejuvenate, so this problem is solved. More is known now about cell biology than was known during those times 20 to 30 years ago, so maybe a rebranding of RedOx to senolytics is good to get those problems behind us.

How effective are the new senolytic drugs.

The problem with this senolytic approach is not the concept but the specificity of the drugs being used presently. One example of this is the lead compound from Unity Biotechnology that kills 20% of senescent cells but also kills 5% of good cells. The therapy was used for arthritic knees in mice. Bad cells are only 1% to maybe 3% of the amount of good cells, so in real number of cells (.01 X .2=) 0.2 %  bad cells were killed and (.05 X .99=) 5% good cells killed. This makes the kill ratio (.2%/5%), meaning that only 4% of cells that were killed were bad cells. This drug was the main value in the company’s IPO which sold for a large valuation. A human phase I study was announced in June of 2019 to check for the drug’s safety.

Are there drugs that address the mitochondria problem in aging directly?

Mitochondria is where cellular energy is made and older people have less energy, so mitochondrial drugs are being developed that consist of peptides made by mitochondria that are then changed so the company (Cohbar in this case) could get a patent for financial protection and profit.

What place do stem cell therapies have in human age reversal?

Stem cells can be seen as a part of repair therapy. Stem cells themselves do age, so stem cell therapy is not truly an age reversal therapy. They are a tissue repair therapy though. Stem cells are cells that are undifferentiated so they can still divide into the type of cells you need at a site of injury or a site that needs cell replacement. Cell replacement happens when it is more energy efficient than cell repair, or when repair is not possible because the needed cells are just not present. An example of this is in male pattern baldness where the hair follicle dies and is therefore not present to repair. In biology your body decides whether to repair a cell or have the cell die under controlled circumstances, call apoptosis, and then to replace the cell with a new cell made from a stem cell.

What is the state of stem cell therapy presently?

The use of stem cells for repair is great in theory but has had significant problems to date. Although working in research, stem cell therapies are not working commercially yet and are mainly sold to get a placebo effect. Technically the complexity of doing stem cell therapy is still too difficult and expensive to perform for the general public. The main difficulty is getting the right live stem cells into an area where they are needed to replace damaged cells and having the stem cells turn into the needed cells and then have them integrate into the tissue and not have these new cells attacked by one’s own immune system. Sadly most stem cells are already dead by the time they reach even the operating room.

Do stem cells age?

Yes, stem cells age. If and when effective stem cell technology for repair is available one will want to reverse one’s age first so you can have younger stem cells to harvest and use to grow up into a larger volume and then inject back to where cell replacement is needed.

Is there anything new in the stem cell market place?

It is possible to de-differentiate cells that are already in the correct location in the body into stem cells with the 4 transcription factors, although the physical control of this process has not been worked out yet.

Wnt technology looks promising as well. It makes a cell you have, develop into a cell that you want but do not have. This technology is being developed by company named Samumed and it should be able to solve the male baldness problem if it ever reaches the market.

What is the reason for older people to use young people’s blood and microbiome?

The gut is an important place in aging research. On the inside of the body at this boundary is the blood stream and on the outside of this boundary is the gut microbiome. Changes in both of these complex systems that come with age have an effect on one’s biological age, and changing these systems back to their youthful state can make you younger. Although this is known, the problem with this type of therapy is that no one yet understands these systems well enough to say exactly what needs to be changed and even if one knew what needs to be changed there would be the difficulty of making the change correctly. Research in these areas will have future benefit.

Are young blood injections for age reversal beneficial in humans?

Blood research started with an old technique called Parabiosis, which is the connecting of the blood supply of two individual animals usually Rats. For aging research, researcher sewed young Rats to old Rats. These studies showed that there are things in the younger rat’s blood that can make the older rat younger and things in the older Rat that can make the younger rat old. Researchers are now trying to fractionate the blood to find out what in particular these ingredients are. One ingredient in the blood are lipid vesicles, made by the hypothalamus (an organ in the brain that oversees body’s biological clock) that has the enzyme that makes NMN in them. These vesicles are marked on their membranes to go to cells that need to make more NMN. Another ingredient may be GDF11 and some people already taking this but without proper controls so no knowledge has been gained from this as yet. Individuals are injecting young people’s blood by the quart at a cost of $8,000. This is a far cry from continuous infusion of the blood of a young person and positive results have not been seen to date and are not expected by experts in the field. This is probably safer though than sewing yourself to a young person because in the Rat experiments the young rat tried to bite the head off the old rat. The FDA has now ordered a stop to young plasma being used by older individuals for age reversal.

How many microbiomes are there?

There are four separate microbiomes, on the skin, in the first part of the digestive track, in the last part of the digestive tract and a women’s vaginal microbiome. These areas are all inhabited by very different organisms. The microbiome in the gut has some organisms that promote health and long life and other organisms that promote poor health and a shorter life. Recently antibiotics in old mice were able to kill organisms that shortened life. These organisms are not present in younger mice.

Do microbiome transplants make you younger?

Some think that getting the microbiome of a younger person will help to make you younger. This is called a fecal transplant which sounds nicer than eating shit. In modern medicine these transplants have mainly been used to counter C. difficile infections which cause diarrhea.

The most famous fecal transplant in history was done on Hitler, prior to his rise to power. He suffered from severe digestion problems. The physician that did the transplant became Hitler’s personal doctor and was with him every day until Hitler shot himself in the bunker at the end of the war or in the revisionist history filmed for the History channel in “Hunting Hitler”, escaped to Argentina and lived out the rest of his life.

Do the probiotics being sold work?

The gut microbiome is very complex and the number of different types of microbes is quite large. Exactly which organism are helpful and which are harmful and how they all interact is presently not known. It has been extremely difficult to change an individual’s microbiomes as well, although marketers seem to indicate to the public it happens in a beneficial way merely by taking their product. Experts in the field strongly disagree with these advertisements although believe that in the future therapies will come from more knowledge in this field.

How do you get your microbiome in the first place?

Your gut microbiome originates from your mother’s vaginal microbiome and is nurtured with food for the correct microbiome growth coming from the mother’s milk for the baby. Once in place these bacteria are able to send messages of what they want for food to the nerve cells lining the gut that then carry these requests directly to your brain. This is why you then walk to the refrigerator and grab the specific food that you grab. To change one’s gut microbiome you would need to provide food for the microbiome bacteria you want while starving out the bacteria you do not want. This process would take several months at a minimum and the whole time these dying bad bacteria would be letting your brain know they were not happy by making you unhappy. The number of bacteria species in your gut is directly correlated to the number of different plant species that you eat regularly. Many of these plant species have ingredients like types of fiber that your cells can not digest but can be digested by specific microbiome bacteria in your gut. They then provide 2 to 4 carbon based molecules that have been shown to be beneficial to your health and life span.

Are there any new ideas on how you could keep your good microbiome bacteria and get rid of your bad bacteria in your gut?

One company is thinking of giving you bacterial viruses that specifically kill bad bacteria but leave good bacteria. This may be what advance civilization needs to  make our attack on invaders more specific which would back up evolution’s original reason for giving us the second immune system that we spoke of previously.

What are the drugs classified as Food by the FDA that are already made in humans and that can be added to get higher concentrations for human age reversal?

After Sirtuins were found to need the energy molecule NAD+ to be active and it was found out that the concentration of NAD+ appeared to go down by half in older people, then the search to increase NAD+ in human cells began. NAD+ itself cannot be absorbed through the human gut, so the precursor of NAD+, which is nicotinamide mononucleotide, called NMN for short, was tried and that was able to be transported through an active transport mechanism in the gut. A precursor of the NMN precursor call nicotinamide riboside, or NR for short, appears to be passively absorbed by the gut as well. The body seems to use NMN as the distribution system of the body’s NAD+. There is an extra cellular NAMPT enzyme, made in the hypothalamus of the brain, which regulates the body’s clock. This NAMPT is extruded and then carried in lipid vesicles earmarked for specific cell types in the body. There is also an intracellular NAMPT enzyme that makes NMN for inside cells in the body.

This NMN is not only made in human cells, it is made in other plant and animal cells that you eat. So it is a food and as such has special regulations as a food and not as a drug in the eyes of the FDA. Eating or drinking NMN in water gets it into the body and it is then turned into NAD+ within 15 minutes. Researchers have started using both NMN and NR in humans. NR research was started first since initially NMN was considerably more expensive. Chromadex, a commercial firm, made NR available via subcontractors to the public. NR has been sold by these subcontractors and now is sold by Chromadex itself in very low dose pills. This is so NR pills could be priced at an amount the public was already used to buying other nutraceuticals for which is around $2 dollars a day. Initial small human studies have been published on NR although none so far have results showing the positive results that one wants to see in an age reversal therapy. Of note is that there have not been any significant negative results of taking NR in journal reports so far including one article by Chromadex that was double blinded and placebo controlled.

Groups selling very low dose NMN pills have now also popped up on the internet as well, although studies on the use of NMN have not been published. A safety study for low dose NMN by Shin Imai and another safety study by David Sinclair are expected soon. Shin Imai says he is using a 125 mg dose of NMN in his human study because of the “nicotinamide problem” of NMN used in doses greater than 125 mgs.

When the NAD+ that is made from NMN is used by the Sirtuin enzymes the NAD+ is broken into Nicotinamide which then can come back and bind to the Sirtuin enzymes. When Nicotinamide binds to the Sirtuin enzymes it stops the Sirtuin enzymes from working. Nature has a way to stop this process and it is by adding a methyl group to the nicotinamide so it is then too large to bind to the Sirtuin enzyme.  There is also second feedback loop that can stop the Sirtuin enzymes that involves the oxidation of a sulfur group, called a thiol, in the Sirtuin active site. Egaceutical Corporation has used this knowledge of cell biology to formulate a natural three small molecule solution that keeps Sirtuins active with higher NAD+ concentrations.  This is the patent protecting the EGA® product.

When was the beginning of human NMN use?

I was the first human to use NMN. I had been interested in cellular aging my whole career in molecular biology but I got interested specifically in the use of NMN for age reversal in December of 2013 after Anna Gomes published an article on NMN use in mice in the prestigious journal Cell. I called Ana and spoke with her a while as well as with Shin-Imai who had been doing the NAD and Sirtuin studies with mice for almost 2 decades and was very impressed with their research results, not for forming a company, but for myself. I was 59 and ½ at the time and I had just heard my 92 year old father, who was a scientist of few words, say “no one tells you how awful growing old is”.

I then looked into the cost of NMN from the only company that was really selling it at the time and it cost $2,160 a gram and I figured from the mice experiments along with the normal conversion rate used to translate therapy doses from mice to men that an equivalent dose for a 200 lbs. guy like me was 4 grams of NMN twice per day. That means $17,280 a day for this therapy ingredient, and the mouse study was for a week which is about 8 months in human time scale, making the price of a single person study over $4 million. From my background in business, I knew that the price was that high just because no one was using it. So I looked in to how to make it, which is the same way nature makes it. Then I put out a bid to 30 international companies that make this type of molecule, to make NMN for me. Each of the contacted companies said they could make NMN and each stated a very reasonable price. I said great to each of the companies and told them when you make some NMN, send me a gram and I’ll test the purity to see how well you did making it. I waited, and waited, only one company was able to send me a gram, but it was of excellent quality.

I told a friend of my interest in NMN and he said he was interested too. He then asked a group of his wealthy friends if they were interested in investing into this project and they all said to talk to their investment advisor. He thought this would take too long to do, so he changed his approach on the fly and asked them if they wanted to take some NMN. They all said yes and were willing, pretty much on the spot, to open their check books and write a large check to get some NMN, at a price based on the initial price the contract manufacturer was telling me it would cost.

So with this money I sent the manufacture of the good gram of NMN $80,000 for KG amounts. I again waited. After a long wait they finally admitted they could not make NMN in KG amounts. Scaling the synthesis was a problem as it quite often is in chemistry. Luckily they sent the money back, but then there was no path forward. Before I could tell the group this bad news, I was approached by a group centered around a scientist that had studied under a noble laureate in the US that they could provide KG quantities of NMN which provided a path forward, unfortunately this NMN, which tested at 99% purity, was more expensive than what we had planned. Realizing from my past with the major pharmaceutical manufactures that normally individuals not only do not pay to test a therapy but want to be paid. I thought our project lucky to be able to move forward. When the KG amounts finally came, I did not want or see the benefit to have anyone but myself to be in the first round of tests. No one objected. I started doing tests on myself prior to taking the NMN and then repeated these every month. In all about 300 blood tests and many other physical tests were done every month. My results can be seen on the EGA patent, in its example section which is near the end of the patent. Most importantly there were no negative effects from the NMN. I erred on the lower side of the estimated dose and took 7 grams of NMN a day, this was split into 2 doses of 3.5 grams each and dissolved in ½ liter of water that I drank at 7 am and 7 pm to coincide with the known circadian rhythm changes of NAD+ seen in mice extrapolated to humans. NAD+ peaks in mice two time a day 12 hours apart with lows in-between the peaks that one wants to preserve. The object is to increase the difference between the peaks and the lows. Age flattens out this circadian rhythm leading to poorer health. The therapy needs to be taken to increase the NAD+ peaks and then have the NAD+ disappear before the lows which also have biological value.

The positive results started showing up in me about a week into the study. These results are listed in the patent example as well. Of importance was that after about month 2 to 3 the NMN effect weakened. I was worried about this since the funders of the project had not started on their dose yet. I informed them of this setback and then did a deep dive into the scientific literature again. What I found from looking at the literature on the molecular biology of the Sirtuin enzyme was that there were feedback loops that turned off the Sirtuin enzyme so that even if it had the NAD+ it would be turned off. I finally realized from past work I had done that these feedback loops could be turned off with two additional small molecules that were also naturally found in the human body’s cells and which were also available in the food supply so they would also be food based products as defined by the FDA. One of these small molecular additions to the therapy increased cellular methylation and the other increased cellular reduction via Nrf2 activation. The specific molecular biology reasoning for each of the two additional small molecules is explained in the EGA® patent. The patent is posted on the Egaceutical website for anyone seeking this information.

I added these two small molecules to my ½ liter drink of water and the beneficial effects of NMN then could not only be seen again but were enhanced. Since this problem was solved, three addition men started on this triple therapy and within a week they too started getting great results without any negative results. After a few months with these three guys an additional 8 men started on the triple therapy. All self-reported to us good outcomes without any reported negative outcomes, so I applied for a patent. The patent includes any therapy that includes molecules that control these three necessary pathways which is needed to get the positive age reversal result we were seeing. The age reversal results were measured using the inflammation testing I talked about at the beginning of this segment.

My understanding was that this therapy would be better for all of us taking it, if large numbers of others, that were interested, banded together and shared experiences and test scores into a common knowledge base. Egaceutical Corporation was started to collect information on individuals taking this therapy and variants of it and to promote studies at university medical schools as well to optimize this therapy which so far has been so beneficial to us. Larger scale brings lower prices. Our work, with EGA®, has decreased these prices exponentially. To date price has been the only problem voiced to me concerning this therapy.

How do NMN and NR compare?

NMN seems a better therapy presently since it is only one step away from NAD+ not two. NMN is stable in the blood, and is actively transported across cell membranes; NR is not. The main shortcoming of both by themselves are that they both need the two extra small molecule components added in EGA to turn off the feedback loops that turn off the Sirtuin enzymes in the human cellular repair system. The EGA patent includes all ways to make NAD+, including NMN and NR, so we are financially agnostic in the market competition between the two. The market holdup to date has been the price of NMN and NR, such that people buying these on the internet are taking doses far lower than those that were shown to have benefit in mice.

What are the drugs classified as Food by the FDA that are from plants that can be used for human age reversal?

I want to make note of two categories of food based compounds that will be of benefit in the future as more knowledge becomes available. The first category is compounds that can be digested by beneficial microbiome bacteria that then produce beneficial compounds for you, its human host. Some molecules in this category are now being discovered and the understanding of these add to the more general concept that eating fresh fruits and vegetables is good for you. There are also negative compounds that some bacteria make that one wants to get rid of probably by getting rid of the bacteria that makes the negative compound.

The next category is polyphenols that activate Nrf2 that in turn activate 300 to 500 enzymes and molecules in your cells that include anti-oxidant enzymes. It was once thought that small molecule antioxidant molecules could increase reduction and reduce oxidation. Now it is known that these small molecule antioxidants can get in the way of turning on and keeping on antioxidant enzymes that are far more efficient at doing the job. Polyphenols in plants are quite often potent compounds in the turning on of Nrf2 and thus keeping your cells from the destruction of oxidative damage.

What are some examples of polyphenols that activate Nrf2?

The molecules that turn on Nrf2 that have been getting some notoriety include resveratrol (in red wine) and the similar compound pterostilbene, apigenin (in parsley and chamomile tea), sulforaphane (in broccoli), curcumin (in turmeric), quercetin (in onions) and  ginseng (in tea). Even the diabetes drug metformin’s effect is probably due to turning on Nrf2. Each of these molecules has a bunch of other cellular effects and properties so they are not necessarily substitutable. Quercetin has been used for a senolytic drug and this brings the question of whether senolytic drugs are just compounds that turn on Nrf2 and benefit from the turning on of antioxidant defense systems and the correlated turning off of NfkB which lowers the immune response.

What are the lifestyle approaches to age reversal therapies?

They include managing your exercise, sleep, microbiome, and diet as well as other tricks like heat and cold shock as well as syncing these approaches to one’s circadian rhythm.

How does exercise reverse age?

An example of exercise is running, One hour of running gets you 7 hours of extra life. The concept here is that if you use something in your body somewhat regularly, it is assumed by your body that you will need it in the future so your body assigns energy for its use to keep it working well. That is why if you always run at a certain time of the day your body provides energy specifically at that time of day to run. In general exercise causes an oxidative shock to your body, if you exercise in the amount expected then your anti-oxidant defense system has the ability on hand to defend your cells from that shock. If you exercise more than expected, the excess oxidative shock it added up by a specific type of enzyme that then signals to Nrf2 to increase your antioxidant defenses. If oxidative shocks do not come within a period of about 5 days your body calculates it has been misappropriating its energy and turns down your anti-oxidant defense system. If you exercise way more than expected then you overwhelm the oxidation sensing system and the excess oxidative shock leads to cellular oxidative damage. These damaged molecules then need to be taken away and replaced. Remember cellular damage is cellular aging. The trick to exercise is to maintain or slightly increase your exercise to keep on your antioxidant defense systems or to increase them without making extra damage in your cells. So exercise like most of the other methods to reverse age are really tricks to optimize cellular pathways by keeping beneficial pathways turned on at full volume without incurring costly damage to turn them on.

Each muscle group needs this attention on a regular basis. Benefit has been seen with exercise of even muscle groups most people do not give much thought to like lung muscles, facial muscles and kegel muscles.

Exercise also changes your gut microbiome.

How does sleep reverse age?

Sleep, especially slow wave non-REM sleep reverses age. Slow wave non-REM sleep is the natural time you repair your brain cells. Your brain cells work hard during the day and build up trash. So like an office with a night janitor, you clean up the trash during the night when your brain cells are not in use. This process physically entails the opening up of inter cellular passage ways and the brain cell’s trash is then thrown out of the brain’s cells and flushed from the brain in this wash cycle. So if you feel bad in the morning maybe the trash was not taken out. This is probably why drug addicts and alcoholics taking NAD+ drip for 8 hours a day are asked every morning how they have slept. When the therapy finally kicks in after 3 to 8 days, they then feel it in the quality of their sleep. Finally! the brain trash was taken out.

How does changing one’s microbiome reverse age?

Changing your microbiome to that of a younger healthy person is theoretically beneficial. It has been shown that some organisms in the microbiome make you healthier and live longer and some make you unhealthier and give you a shorter life. Although changing the microbiome is known to be beneficial, in practice it is very difficult to change in any way and the complexity of the microbiome makes it hard to know how one should change it if you could. There are basic two ways to change the microbiome if and when science knows what we want the microbiome to look like. One way is to change the microorganisms in the microbiome and the second is to change the food that each of them eats. Both methods are probably needed together, although changing the food that they eat is probably more important and easier to do. The food that the microbes of the microbiome eat is called probiotics by those people that want to sell you this. It is known that the larger the number of plants you eat on a regular basis the larger the numbers of microbiome species you will have in your gut and on average this will make you healthier. This number of plants eaten dropped when humans went from being hunter gatherers to being farmers and human health deteriorated from this change.

How can eating correctly reverse age?

You already know that eating correlates to your health since it is the ingredients and energy that you need to continually rebuild yourself. This includes the correct food types, the correct amounts of food, and also the timing of your eating the food. Recent studies out of Israel have shown that a grouping of individuals all eating the exact same diet had very different glycemic outcomes because of their different microbiomes. So it appears that the best diet for someone else may not be the best diet for you. All diets need to be individualized.

The first and still only age reversal that has been definitively shown comes from dietary restriction. This includes the subcategories of calorie restriction, protein restriction and methionine restriction. Fasting is an attempt to imitate dietary restriction while lowering some of the negatives of it. Two forms of fasting have immerged as promising. They include eating for 5 days and then fasting for 2 days. This is being promoted by Valter Longo, a professor at USC, who started a company to assist people to do this. The other is restricting the hours every day that you eat. This has been promoted by researchers at the SALK Institute. You can cut down your eating hours to 12 hours, 8 hours or maybe even 4 hours a day. Both methods have been shown to better health in multiple ways in small studies.

Are heat and cold shock beneficial to age reversal?

Heat shock and cold shock are an age reversal tricks. They both work in the same way, although cold shock additionally turns on the use of brown fat which makes heat and burns more calories.  Both turn on Serotonin stress signaling. Heat of about a 102 to 105 degrees F or cold at about 33 to 38 degrees F will denature, which means unravel, proteins in your body. This is seen as damage by your cells and so they turn on their repair systems. Turning on repair systems, as we have seen in exercise, is a good thing. So just as in the exercise example the trick is to balance the good with the bad.  Unlike exercise though you are not really signaling that you are using a body part, you are only signaling that there is damage in a part of your body.    2 minutes of heat or cold shock is probably sufficient to turn on your repair system, which actually only turns on after your body has come back to its normal temperature. Like exercise, any excess amounts of damage just gives you unneeded damage to repair. Remember damage is aging. Water conducts heat transfer better than air, and is easier to control, so it is probably better to use your own bath tub, with a thermometer, for this heat shock or cold shock than the nitrogen cold air spas that have been popping up for the wealthy.

What advice do you have for anybody interested in reversing their biological age?

If you are going to try to reverse your biological age, plan your strategy out before you start, preferably with a physician. Be sure to test your biological age and health before you start the therapy and then keep testing periodically along the journey so you can be confident that you are helping yourself and not doing yourself any harm.

The most important testing is before you start, preferably testing at two separate times, since this is what you are going to compare all results after this to. Make copious written notes on how you feel before you start, preferably for at least a month or two, along with your biological test scores. Although you probably think you will remember your prior-to-treatment body-state,  our work in this area has shown us this is not usually as good as written records.

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