"The Thinker", at the top of the "Gates of the Hell" (1880-1890), by Rodin, bronze version at the Rodin museum of Paris.

10 Concepts for Understanding Age Reversal

  • Asexual organisms do not age

    Sea anemones (reproduce only by cell division, called mitosis).

    Pink anemone  Giant Green Anemone (Anthopleura xanthogrammica)

    Hydra (they have both a sexual (meiosis) and an asexual life, so can compare the two).

    Hydra is a genus of small, fresh-water animals of the phylum Cnidaria and class Hydrozoa. Hydra is a genus of small, fresh-water animals of the phylum Cnidaria and class Hydrozoa.

    Conclusion; there is no mandate in biology to age

  • Germline cells from sexual animals do not age

    What was Mom’s age when you were born?
    How could you start out at 0 years old when she gave you cells she had lived with for decades?

    3d rendered illustration of the fertilization Mother and baby on bed

    What was your grand-mom’s age when your mom was born?

    Young woman hugging her grandmother
    You now see that you are descendant from a long line of non-aging germline cells.

    Conclusion; there is no mandate in biology for a sexual animal’s cells to age

  • Somatic cells (the cells you put in the coffin) from sexual animals do not age until after puberty

    a. The genome (DNA) of somatic cells is still intact in older humans (Sinclair D 2018) and the genetic heritability (h²) of human longevity is less than 7% (Ruby JG 2018), but the epigenome (methylation of DNA) of somatic cells in humans deteriorates (exponentially: Gompertz B 1825) with age.

    Full healthy animals can be made from a single older somatic cell.

    Dolly the cloned sheep

    b. Somatic cells from sexual animals do not age until after puberty

    Kids posing over white Caenorhabditis elegans

    In flat worms (C. elegans) germline cells send “an order” to triple methylate genes in somatic cells to turn off their repair systems, which saves organismic energy, but which also starts aging (Labbadia J 2015 and 2017). In mammals the longer the time to puberty (sexual maturity) the longer the life span on average of the animal.

    The writer postulates a similar occurrence in humans at the time of puberty that start aging in humans. The ultimate cure then for aging will occur when these age-causing-methyl-changes at pre /post puberty are differentially determined and reversed with In Vivo Crisper/Cas9-mediated trans-epigenetic modulation (Liao HK 2017)

    Conclusion; there is no mandate in biology for somatic cells of sexual animals to age.

  • Somatic cells retain their repair mechanisms after puberty, and this repair can be turned on

    Mother talking to smiling son

    a) During times of calorie restriction, the time is not right for having babies, so sexuality is turned off and repair is turned on, so you do not age, when calories come back and babies are born you then have extra years to take care of the babies born with the new calories.

    Mother and baby Monkey 

    b) There is a 3 X variance of the rate of aging in humans (DW Belsky 2015) some human individuals are aging at a rate three times faster than other human individuals.

    Woman aging

    c) Somatic cell division prior to full DNA repair locks in DNA damage. This is a slight complexity to our story since this locked in DNA damage cannot be repaired and if in certain locations can be a cause of cancer. Repair systems try to hold off cell division for this biological reason.

    Cell division mitosis

    Conclusion; the repair mechanisms of somatic cells can be turned on to stop their aging.

  • Somatic cell repair mechanisms are turned on when sirtuin enzymes are turned on

    Close Up Of Man Turning Off Light Switch

    Experiments in 2000 show there is no life extension with calorie restriction without sirtuin enzymes, thus sirtuin enzymes are necessary for repair and age reversal.

    Conclusion; the general mechanism of somatic cell repair has been found.

  • Sirtuin enzymes are pattern recognition and sensing switches

    Shape patterns Black and white pattern Colorful pattern

    The main aging theories of the past were never proved wrong, but they individually never proved sufficient to explain aging either. The calorie restriction theory now shown to be sirtuin dependent, the free radical theory is now shown to be about reduction/oxidation balance and the methylation theory now described as epigenetics all are important in understanding aging as are other theories. Taken together these theories give an understanding of the decision switch that turns cellular repair on and off.


    Conclusion; biological regulation sometimes needs to see patterns to make effective decisions.

  • Sirtuin enzymes need several signals in unison to turn on and stay on

    a) Energy depletion (sirtuins need energy depletion to turn on and stay on)

    High NAD+ ( a co-substrate for sirtuin enzymes, no NAD+, then no sirtuin activity)
    High cAMP (caffeine in coffee make this stay around) (cAMP accelerates sirtuin activity)

    Studies showed NAD+ levels went down by half in older human adults (and other animals). The NAD+ theory of aging came from this. The thought was that if you increase NAD+ (just by itself) it would turn on Sirtuins and give individuals the calorie restriction effect of reversing aging all by itself. As you will see, several other things need to happen to keep Sirtuins turned on and kept on to get the age reversal effect of calorie restriction that has been seen in all animals it has been used with. It is possible, though, to reverse human age with several small additions to this singular theory.

    Cup of coffee with spoon and coffee beans

    b) Reduction/oxidation (REDOX) balance (sirtuins need reduction to turn on and stay on)

    i) CD-38 is turned off with reduction, so it does not degrade NAD+ and NMN

    ii) Thiol (a sulfur that senses REDOX balance) reduction is needed to keep sirtuins active

    iii) Reduction is needed to keep the methylation pathway going to SAM, not glutathione

    c) Methylation (sirtuins need methylation to turn on and stay on)

    i) SAM availability (it provides the methyl of methylation)

    ii) Nicotinamide’s methylation is needed to stop nicotinamide from its “feedback loop” turning off of sirtuins enzymes

    iii) Epigenetics (correct methylation of DNA allows correct expression of genes)

    Conclusions; changes “seen” in biological patterns can lead to biological choices by organisms.

  • Sirtuins that “see” the above pattern turn on and stay on in humans

    Initial study results: 12 males from 46 to 66 years of age on Egaceutical’s triple therapy EGA® were shown (in addition to many other aspects of age reversal) to reduce their interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and when compared to results from the Y. Arai 2015 study this indicated they had reduced their biological age, increased their predicted life span, and they had elongated their physical and mental health-span by reducing/reversing their progression towards the “diseases of aging”.

    Conclusions; the initial study’s result data supports the theory that human sirtuin enzymes can be turned on and kept on with EGA® therapy long enough to cause significant age reversal in humans.

  • The old rules still apply

    a) Exercise (oxidative preconditioning)

    i) Quality


    Man Running on Side of Road

    1 hour of running adds 7 hours of life

    Strength (each muscle needs its own attention, use them or loose them)

    Woman Weight Lifting

    2 times per week good, 1 time per week not enough

    Intensity of workout

    Woman lightly sweating

    Light sweat (good)

    Person Swimming in Body of Water

    Are unable to carry on a conversation (better)

    ii) Quantity

    Round Silver-colored Analog Stopwatch on Brown Wooden Panel

    Hours /week

    5 strenuous hours/week (gets most of exercise benefit)

    People Running during Daytime

    Some benefit was seen from even short intense spurts of exercise

    b) Sleep (a time for repair)

    i) Quality

    Close-Up Photography of Woman Sleeping Woman asleep in bed with big clock behind her

    Problems with first non-REM slow-wave sleep of night when age

    ii) Quantity

    Woman in bed covering ears with pillow because of noise

    4 REMs (6.5 hours) or 5 REMs (8 hours) per night usually required

    c) Diet (a more varied diet is healthier, also has a correlation to the microbiome in gut)

    i) Limiting the eating time period during the day

    Woman in Red Yellow Round Analog Watch

    It appears that you cannot repair your cells when you are digesting your food, your body chooses to do one or the other, so not eating allows your body to repair your cells. Fasting is difficult, so better to have a daily routine of not eating at all. Center eating on 1 pm to 2 pm. 12 hours is better than 24 hours of eating this has been shown in mice, 8 hours of eating is probably better than 12, and 4 better than 8?

    ii) Quantity of diet

    Woman in Black Crew-neck Top in Front of Table

    Correct amounts of nutrients are needed. Too little or too much of any nutrient is bad. Example water: too much or too little can kill you. Fat (leads to energy via the TCA cycle) satiates better than sugar (glucose leads to energy via glycolysis, fructose has other properties), excess sugar is bad in regards to aging.

    iii) Quality of diet

    Variety of Food on Wooden Coaster

    The fat (TCA) pathway is better to have turned on than the sugar (glycolysis) pathway to get energy for cellular repair.

    Diagram of Glycolysis

    But the brain does need some glucose (sugar) from the glycolysis pathway for its energy.

    Grayscale Photo of Man Holding Milkfish
    Protein is needed.

    Dietary restriction with a diet below 10% protein has in experiments had health span and life span benefits due to the lower amount of amino acids effect on the mTOR cellular pathway. It does not matter if the protein is from plants or animals. Blue zone individuals that live healthier lives eat around 8 or 9% protein in their diets. Average Americans eat between 10% and 35 % protein in their diets. It may be that sialic acid, which humans now cannot synthesize, from animal meats increase inflammation leading to disease such as vascular disease.

    Couple Cooking

    Cooking often helps to get the nutrients out of foods and this has allowed humans energy benefits to power our brains that are 3 times larger than bonobos’ and use 25% of our energy. We also gave up muscle strength for our larger brains. Our muscles are 2/3 the strength of bonobo’s muscles in strength, showing energy tradeoffs in evolution.

    Photo of Man Standing Surrounded by Green Leaf Plants Young female nutritionist testing food samples in laboratory

    Things that once lived are better than man-made nutritional constructs.

    Mold Strawberry

    Things that have not deteriorated since death are better nutrients.

    fresh carrots bunch on wooden background

    Younger plants/animals are better than older in regards to nutrients.

    Shallow Focus Photo of Strawberries on Gray Wooden Surface

    Although fruits are made by plants to be eaten,

    the plant itself, if not engineered by humans, will have toxins to keep animals from eating it.

    Tractor spraying pesticides on vegetable field with sprayer at spring Twinkie cake

    Pesticides and preservatives that are meant to kill microorganisms to protect the food supply and the food supply’s shelf life also affect your bacteria and other life forms in your microbiome in your gut. This is probably deleterious to your health and longevity.

    Intestine 3D Illustration 

    The types of microorganisms in your microbiome have been shown to be important to the rate at which you age. You need the right mix of micro-organisms in your gut to keep you healthy. It is extremely difficult to change them and their ratios to each other inside of you.

    human brain on white background

    To some extent these microorganisms are telling your brain what you should eat for their benefit, not necessarily yours. And what you eat supports the type of micro-organisms sending the signals to your brain. So there is a loop that is hard to change.

    d) Daily cycles and your biological clock

    NAD+ peaks twice a day and troughs twice a day; each 12 hours apart. Ex: 8 am and 8 pm NAD+ peaks (may vary with a morning person or an evening person). About 2/3 of cell activity is correlated with the swings of your two daily clock cycles. Greater swing (peak height vs. trough depth) of two cycles per day is better for health.

    mother breast feeding and hugging baby

    Human mother’s milk has NMN and NAD+ and its quantity is dependent on lactation time, so mom’s milk’s composition is dependent on her biological clock and her baby’s.

    e) Emotions (happiness is ½ genetic and ½ dependent on your life’s present compared to your life’s last 3 to 6 months, so it is all about you and your subconscious brain’s analysis of your life).

    Stock exchange

    Energy is more likely to be allocated (for repair) if the prediction for the future is good (i.e. you are happy).

    Photo of Woman Sitting on Shore

    Past exercise may be a surrogate for a prediction of a good future to the subconscious leading to mental happiness.

    Woman Holding Disposable Cup

    i) Positive (estimation that the present is better than the past 3 to 6-month average). Shown to elongate life.

    Woman Sitting in Front of the Laptop Computer in Shallow Photo

    ii ) Negative (estimation that the present is worse than the past 3 to 6-month average). Shown to shorten life.

    f) Other means of Hormesis (a very small negative prepares for a great big negative)

    man swimming in spring person in spring

    i) Heat Shock (2 mins of 102 F denatures proteins and turns on heat shock proteins)

    This is a tradeoff of the negative effects of the heat that unravels your proteins, thus causing harm, but this turns on beneficial chaperone systems and repair. So to maximize benefit only do the bad thing (heat) for as brief a time as needed to turn on repair. Also, protect germ line cells (testicles) since they already have repair on.

    Young man bathing in the ice hole. Focus on hands

    ii) Cold Shock (2 min of 35-38 F denatures protein and turns on heat shock proteins).

    This is the exact same thing as heat only here cold denatures your proteins. The benefit does not come from the cold (or heat) but when your temperature comes back to normal. Water is better to use than air since it conducts temperature better.

    iii) A Short Stress

    These small-short-time-frame stressors allow a person to better deal with larger life stresses when they appear. Humans are not made well for long stresses.

    iv) Vaccines

    Hopefully in the future we will have vaccines to viruses that accelerate aging
    Cytomegalovirus (ties up the immune system in old age, if have CMV)
    Human Herpes virus 1 & 6 (may trigger Alzheimer’s disease to start)

    g) Besides the main causes of inflammation which include active pathogens, recent trauma and flare-ups from endogenous viruses, other possible, probably lesser, environmental causes of increased inflammation (research on these is not robust) in our modern world include: chemicals in cosmetics, lotions, perfumes, fragrances, deodorants, dry cleaned clothes, shampoo, conditioner, nail polish, as well as leaked BPA (and even its replacements) used in plastic bottles and the oxidation caused by high levels of radio frequency (RF) waves from cell phones held too close to the body (this RF effect drops off with the square of distance from body) and even breathing too much dust from living too near a major busy road.

    Conclusions; Scientific theories remain if they continue to be supported by all (unbiased) data.

  • Time of death without aging and disease

    Egyptian sarcophagus isolated with clipping path Wooden casket made of Cherry in a funeral home.

    a)  In the 2015 Y. Arai study, aging, the diseases of aging and death starts when, but not before, the predictive variables IL-6 and TNF-α increase, thus this study predicts that aging, the disease of aging, and death due to aging will not happen if IL-6 and TNF-α levels are not allowed to rise past the low levels of youth.

    b) Death by injury only (car crash is #1) leads to 9,000 to 50,000-year life expectancy

    Conclusions; new data leads to new theories and the need to rethink previous unproven assumptions

…so fasten your seat belt you’re in for an exciting ride.

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